新版 オールガイダンススチュワーデスイングリッシュ〈実践フライト編〉
Timed Readings Plus in Science: Book 1
Do you have students who simply do not finish the test in the time allotted? Do they move their eyes over the page without remembering what they read? For over 30 years, the Jamestown Timed Readings collection has helped such students increase their reading rate, fluency, and comprehension. The 55 books in the series all haveUniform 400-word passages for easy timingNonfiction and fiction selections like those found on state and national testsLiteral and critical comprehension questionsProgress charts for motivationIdentical covers within a series so no one is embarrassed Six different series to meet your students’ needsTimed Readings Plus in Social Studies, Science, or Mathematics—passages on content area topics like those found on standardized testsTimed Readings in Literature—excerpts from great literatureTimed Readings—passages from science, social studies, the humanities, and moreTimed Readings Plus—nonfiction passages followed by related fiction Timed Readings Plus in Science: Book 3
If you suspect that students' test scores are being confounded by any of these traits, or if you have students who need to process greater amounts of information, the Timed Readings books can help. For over thirty years, Jamestown has been helping students increase their reading rate and fluency while maintaining comprehension. Timed Readings Plus in Science features 400-word nonfiction timed passages on current science topics, similar to those found on state and national tests. Timed Readings Plus in Science: Book 2
If you suspect that students' test scores are being confounded by any of these traits, or if you have students who need to process greater amounts of information, the Timed Readings books can help. For over thirty years, Jamestown has been helping students increase their reading rate and fluency while maintaining comprehension. Timed Readings Plus in Science features 400-word nonfiction timed passages on current science topics, similar to those found on state and national tests. シャドーイングで耳から鍛える 仕事で使う英会話
英会話ペラペラビジネス100 - ビジネスコミュニケーションを成功させる知的な大人の会話術 [CD2枚付]
英日日英 プロが教える基礎からの翻訳スキル
新編 英和翻訳表現辞典
CDブック 店員さんの接客英会話
科学英語のセンスを磨く 第2版―オリジナルペーパーに見られる表現
速読速聴・英単語Business 1200