Kotaro Murata | "Concentration of Bacterial Aerosols Associated with Particles: Observations at a Southwestern Coastal Site of Japan in the Spring of 2013-2014" |
Daizhou Zhang | "Consideration of Air Structure from Case Studies of Pollutant Observations at Elevated Levels"(基調講演) |
Wei Hu | "Bacterial and chemical properties of rainwater collected at a suburban site in Southwestern Japan" |
Kotaro Murata | "Fluctuation of viable and non-viable bacterial concentration in the air associated with weather changes: observations on the southwestern coast of Japan"
"Bacterial aerosol concentration associated with dust passage at southwestern Japan observed in 2010-2014" |
1. | Chi, J.W., Li, W.J., Zhang, D.Z., Zhang, J.C., Lin, Y.T., Shen, X.J., Sun, J.Y., Chen, J.M., Zhang, X.Y., Zhang, Y.M., Wang, W.X., 2015. Sea salt aerosols as a reactive surface for inorganic and organic acidic gases in the arctic troposphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 11341-11353, doi:10.5194/acp-15-11341-2015. |
2. | Chang-Jin Ma, Kyoung-Bin Lee, Daizhou Zhang, Mariko Yamamoto, Shin-Do Kim: Thermal and hygroscopic properties of indoor particulate matter collected on an underground subway platform. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 9(3), 228-235, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5572/ajae.2015.9.3.228, 2015. |
3. | Satoshi Fukushima, Daizhou Zhang: Comparison in size and elemental composition of dust particles deposited to the surface and suspended in the air on the southwest Japan coast. Atmospheric Environment,118,157-163, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.07.041, 2015. |
1:山東大学の李先生によるワークショップ開催の挨拶;2:山東大学でワークショップ一日目集合写真;3:山東大学の総合的な観測サイトの施設見学; 4:泰山で大気汚染を体感;5:中国海洋大学でワークショップの風景の一部;6:中国海洋大学で八関山気象台の施設見学
Daizhou Zhang | "Number Fractions of Sulfate-, Nitrate-and Seasalt-containing Mineral Particles in Three Dust Events at Southwestern Japan" "Aging, Mixing and Subsequence of Asian Dust Particles: EM Studies" |
Satoshi Toyonaga | "Variation of Fine Particulates (PM2.5) on the Southwestern Coast of Japan in Spring 2014" |
Kotaro Murata | "Bacterial concentration in size-segregated aerosol particles: Observations at a southwestern coastal site of Japan in spring 2013 and 2014" |
Satoshi Fukushima | "Number Concentration and Backward Scattering of Aerosols near the Surface at AERU on the southwestern Japan Coast in 2010-2014" |
Wei Hu | "Bacterial Concentration and Viability in the Rainwater Collected at a Suburban Site in Southwestern Japan" |
Shinichiro Fukuyama | "DNA Strands Break by Airborne Particulate Matter Collected at Southwestern Coast of Japan in March 2014: a Primary Investigation" |
1. | Weijun Li, Longyi Shao, Daizhou Zhang, Chul-Un Ro, Min Hu, Xinhui Bi, Hong Geng, Atsushi Matsuki, Hongya Niu, Jianmin Chen: A review of single aerosol particle studies in the atmosphere of East Asia: morphology, mixing state, source, and heterogeneous reactions. Journal of Cleaner Production, doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.04.050, 2015. |
2. | Kazutaka Hara, Daizhou Zhang, Hiromi Matsusaki, Yasuhiro Sadanaga, Keisuke Ikeda, Sayuri hanaoka, Shiro Hatakeyama: UV-tolerant culturable bacteria in an Asian dust plume transported over the East China Sea. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 15, 591-599, doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2014.03.0067, 2015. |
Daizhou Zhang | "Observations of a Dust Plume at the Coastal Regions of China East and Kyushu West in March 2015" |
Kotaro Murata | "Fluctuation of bacterial concentration in the outdoor air associated with weather changes: Observations in Kumamoto area, Japan" |
Satoshi Fukushima | "Evolution of Aerosols near the Surface at AERU on the southwestern Japan Coast in 2010-2014" |
Wei Hu | "Physiochemical characteristics of marine atmospheric particles settled on the surface of the Yellow Sea" |
Shinichiro Fukuyama | "DNA Strand Break by Airborne Particulate Matter Collected at Southwestern Coast of Japan in March 2014: a Primary Investigation" |
瀬本大志 | "天草西岸におけるPM2.5濃度:2014年春期観測" |
福山鎮一郎 | "浮遊粒子状物質のDNA鎖切断能力評価―2014年3月天草サンプル―" |
向川萌 | "アンダーセンサンプラーを用いた空中微生物と粒子の関係についての事例研究" |
安武里英 | "熊本における雨水中の細菌濃度" |
田中達也 | "大気中浮遊粒子状物質中タンパク質の抽出・定量法の試み―熊本市における観測―" |
張代洲 | "平成26年春季東シナ海両岸における浮遊粒子の同時観測" |
村田浩太郎 | "沿岸域における空気中細菌濃度と天気との関係:2012〜2014年春季の天草における観測" |
福山鎮一郎 | "アガロースゲル電気泳動法による浮遊粒子状物質のDNA鎖切断能力評価法の試み:2014年3月天草サンプル" |
張代洲 | "Asian Dust Particles Identified with Microscopes: Aging, Mixing and Subsequence" |
福島聡 | "黄砂時地上付近エアロゾルの変動" |
村田浩太郎 | "粒径別黄砂サンプル中に存在する空気中細菌の量と生存状態:2013年と2014年春期の天草西岸部における観測" |
村田浩太郎 | "異なる天気条件下のバイオエアロゾル濃度:2012-2014 年春季 の熊本西岸部における細菌数の観測" |
福島聡 | "境界層内エアロゾルの高度分布の変動:2010~2014 年 九州西岸での観測" |
張代洲 | "Bacterial Cell Concentration Associated with Dust Passage at Southwestern Japan Observed in 2010-2013" "Sulfate and Nitrate in Taklimakan Desert Dust from a Case Study in Spring 2008" (中国科学院地球環境研究所のWu Feng博士との共同研究) |
豊永悟史 | "SEM study of PM2.5 particles in Kyushu, western Japan" |
村田浩太郎 | "Airborne bacterial concentration on the western coast of Amakusa, Japan in spring 2012-2013" |
福島聡 | "Comparison between Deposition and Airborne Dust Particles Collected at the Kyushu Western Coast Case Study; 2010 - 2012 Spring" |
張代洲 | "熊本県天草半島西海岸と中国青島市沿岸の大気汚染物質の同時観測:平成26年3月" |
豊永悟史 | "連続観測データとバルク成分分析及び個別粒子分析による長距離輸送PM2.5の解析:2014年春季九州西岸における観測" |
村田浩太郎 | "天草西海岸において採取された粒径別浮遊粒子サンプル中の生・死細菌数:2013年と2014年春期の観測" |
福島聡 | "地上粒子数濃度の変動と境界層内エアロゾル粒子の高度分布の関連性について" |
Daizhou Zhang | "Bacterial concentration and viability associated with dust in Asian continent outflow at southwestern Japan" |
寺中裕二 | "天草西岸における硝酸塩とブラックカーボンの変動 〜2013年春の集中観測〜" |
告畑有紀 | "天草西岸と中国沿岸のエアロゾル粒子の比較:2010〜2013" |
松岡竜太郎 | "天草西岸における境界層内エアロゾル粒子の高度分布" |
Feb. 2014 | Kotaro Murata, Daizhou Zhang, Transport of bacterial cells toward the Pacific in Northern Hemisphere westerly winds, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 87, April 2014, Pages 138-145, ISSN 1352-2310, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.12.038. |
村田浩太郎 | "空気中浮遊細菌の濃度と生存状態:2012,2013年春期の天草における観測" |
張代洲 | "北京で観測された黄砂中の微生物濃度と遺伝子特性" |
村田浩太郎 | "2011年秋期及び2013年春期の熊本における空気中浮遊バクテリアの観測" |
福島聡 | "熊本県天草で採取された黄砂粒子とすす粒子の混合状態の観察" |
村田浩太郎 | "熊本における黄砂時と非黄砂時の空気中浮遊細菌の観測" |
張代洲 | "Cell concentration of bacteria in the Asian continent outflow under different weather conditions observed at southwestern Japan between 2010 and 2013" |
Dec. 2013 | Feng Wu, Daizhou Zhang, Junji Cao, Ting Zhang, Zhisheng An, Background-like nitrate in desert air, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 84, February 2014, Pages 39-43, ISSN 1352-2310, http://elsarticle.com/1ejckDf. |
Oct. 2013 | Kotaro Murata, Daizhou Zhang, Applicability of LIVE/DEAD BacLight stain with glutaraldehyde fixation for the measurement of bacterial cell concentration and viability in the air. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Volume 13, No. 6, December 2013, Pages 1755-1767, doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2012.10.0293. |
張代洲 | "Soot Particles over a Coal-Burning Region in China: Results of Single Particle Analysis from Three Winter Flight Missions" |
村田浩太郎 | "バイオエアロゾル濃度:2012と2013年春期の熊本西岸部における観測" |
豊永悟史 | "走査型電子顕微鏡を用いたPM2.5粒子の性状解析" |
張代洲 | "熊本県天草半島西海岸におけるブラックカーボン濃度の変動 −平成24年春の観測−" |
福島聡 | "浮遊黄砂粒子と沈着黄砂粒子は似ているか" "天草西岸における黄砂時の浮遊粒子と沈着粒子の比較:2010〜2012年の観測" |
豊永悟史 | "PM2.5自動測定機で採取した粒子の電子顕微鏡観察" |
村田浩太郎 | "天草西岸における空気中細菌数濃度:2012〜2013年春期の観測" |
張代洲 | "Number-size distributions of Aerosol Particle Observed with Tethered Balloon Flights on Kyushu Western Coast, Japan" |
Wu Feng | "Soil-derived sulfate in the atmosphere ober the source region of Asian dust" |
村田浩太郎 | "Microscopic Measurement of Bacterial Concentration and Viability in the Air with LIVE/DEAD BacLight Stain" "Concentration and Viability of Airborne Bacteria at a Southwestern Coastal Site of Japan" |
福島聡 | "Airborne Particles and Deposited Particles Associated with Asian Dust at Kyushu Western Coast, Case Study" |
張代洲 | "Particulate matters in Asian dust plumes: EM studies" |
村田浩太郎 | "Abundance of live and dead bacteria in the air: observation in Kumamoto, Japan" (Poster Award受賞!!) "Enumeration of airborne bacteria using LIVE/DEAD stain: comparison with traditional fluorescent stain DAPI" |
告畑有紀 | "Concentration of Airborne Particles in Asian Dust Plumes: Comparison of Cases in Qingdao and Amakusa in Spring 2010" |
村田浩太郎 | "Airborne bacteria in Kumamoto, Japan from autumn 2011 to spring 2012" |
張代洲 | AERU : 天草西海岸の観測ユニット |
村田浩太郎 | 熊本市における秋期から冬期にかけての大気中浮遊細菌濃度ー2011年の事例 LIVE/DEAD染色を用いた大気中浮遊細菌の計数法の検証 |
告畑有紀 | 東シナ海における大陸からの気塊の浮遊粒子濃度の変化ー青島と天草の比較ー |
松岡竜太郎 | 天草における境界層大気エアロゾルの分布と挙動ー2010年12月〜2011年6月の観測ー |
May 2012 Accepted | Weijun Li, Zongbo Shi, Daizhou Zhang, Xiaoye Zhang, Peiren Li, Qiujuan Feng, Qi Yuan, and Wenxing Wang, 2012: Haze particles over a coal-burning region in the China Loess Plateau in winter: three flight missions in December 2010. J. Geophys. Res |
May 2012 In press | Daizhou Zhang, Bin Chen, Maromu Yamada, Hongya Niu, Biao Wang, Yasunobu Iwasaka, and Guangyu Shi, 2012: Elevated Soot Layer in Polluted Urban Atmosphere : A Case Study in Beijing. J. Meteor. Soc. Jpn. In press March 2012. |
Apr. 2012 in press | Niu, Hongya, Longyi Shao and Daizhou Zhang, 2012: Soot particles during the passage of a cyclone at the top of Mt. Tai in spring 2008. Science of the Total Environment. |
Mar. 2012 | Tetsuji Nagatani, Maromu Yamada, Tomoko Kojima, Daizhou Zhang*, 2012: Episodic particulate sulfate and sulfur dioxide on the southwestern Japan coast in March and April 2010. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 6-1, 41-52, doi: http://dx.doi.org/105572/ajae.2012.61.041. |
Nov. 2011 | Kazutak Hara and Daizhou Zhang*, 2011: Bacterial abundance and viability in long-range transported dust. Atmos. Environ., 47, 20-25, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.11.050. |
Dec. 2011 | P. Formenti, L. Schutz, Y. Balkanski, K. Desboeufs, M. Ebert, K. Kandler, A. Petzold, D. Scheuvens, S. Weinbruch and D. Zhang :Recent progress in understanding physical and chemical properties of African and Asian mineral dust. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 8231?8256, 2011. |
Dec. 2011 | Weijun Li, Daizhou Zhang, Longyi Shao, S. Z. Zhou and W. X. Wang, 2011: Individual particle analysis of aerosols collected under haze and non-haze conditions at a high-elevation mountain site in the North China plain. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 11733?11744, doi:10.5194/acp-11-11733-2011, 2011. |
今村 崇 | 新燃岳火山灰の粒子の組成と形態 |
柿原 知佳 | 天草西岸におけるブラックカーボンの変動:2011 年 3 月から 2011 年 9 月 |
高橋 実夏子 | 天草における SO2,SO42- 濃度変動とその気象的な関連 |
告畑 有紀 | 東シナ海における大陸からの空気塊の浮遊粒子濃度の変化:天草と青島の比較 |
那須 麗華 | 天草西岸におけるオゾンと天気条件の関連性に関する研究 |
西坂 扶佐子 | 日光が Bacillus 属芽胞の増殖能力に及ぼす影響 |
松岡 竜太郎 | 天草における境界層大気エアロゾルの分布と挙動 |
藤原 秀行 | 熊本市内における秋期から冬期にかけての浮遊細菌の濃度と生存状態に関する研究 |
丸山 揚介 | 係留気球を用いた天草西岸の大気エアロゾル粒径分布の研究 |
原 和崇 | 黄砂を介して長距離伝播した浮遊細菌の解析 |
Mar. 2011 | Kazutaka Hara, Daizhou Zhang, Maromu Yamada1, Hiromi Matsusaki and Koji Arizono, 2011: A detection of airborne particles carrying viable bacteria in an urban atmosphere of Japan. Accepted by Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment |
Mar. 2011 | Niu, Hongya, Longyi Shao and Daizhou Zhang, 2011: Aged status of soot particles during the passage of a weak cyclone in Beijing. Atmos. Environ., 45, 2699-2703, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.02.056, 2011. |
緒方 裕子 | 黄砂粒子に含まれる成分とその溶解性に関する研究 |
田口 英俊 | 電子顕微鏡を用いた熊本都市大気中の粗大粒子の観察テスト |
福島 聡 | 2010 年 3 月に採取された黄砂の乾性沈着試料の分析 |
松本 伊織 | 蛍光染色法による浮遊粒子の内部混合状態の個別観察 |
岩永 晃輔 | 熊本県における光化学オキシダントの地域特性の解明 |
Jan. 2011 | Shi, G., D. Zhang, B. Wang, B. Chen, M. Yamada, and H. Niu, 2011: Elevated aerosol layer embedded with aged soot particles in a polluted urban atmosphere. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 11, 1641-1669, http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/1641/2011/. |
Jan. 2011 | Hiroko Ogata, Daizhou Zhang, Maromu Yamada, and Yutaka Tobo, 2011: Comparison of elemental composition of Asian dust particles at Amami and Amakusa during a dust event. Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment, 46, 10-19. |
Dec. 2010 | Formenti, P., L. Schuetz, Y. Balkanski, K. Desboeufs, M. Ebert, K. Kandler, A. Petzold, D. Scheuvens, S. Weinbruch, and D. Zhang, 2010: Recent progress in understanding physical and chemical properties of mineral dust. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 10, 31187-31251, http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/10/31187/2010/. |
Oct. 2010 | Bin Chen, Maromu Yamada, Guangyu Shi, Daizhou Zhang, Atsushi Matsuki, and Yasunobu Iwasaka, 2010: Vertical changes in mixing state of aerosol particles in the boundary layer in Beijing, China: balloon-borne measurements in summer and spring. Journal of Ecotechnological Research, accepted. |
Oct. 2010 | Bin Chen, Guangyu Shi, Maromu Yamada, Daizhou Zhang, Masahiko Hayashi, and Yasunobu Iwasaka, 2010: Vertical change in extinction and atmospheric particle size in the boundary layers over Beijing: balloon-borne measurement. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, accepted. |
Oct. 2010 | Yutaka Tobo, Daizhou Zhang, Atsushi Matsuki, and Yasunobu Iwasaka, 2010: Asian dust particles converted into aqueous droplets under remote marine atmospheric conditions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1008235107. |
Mar. 2010 | Maromu Yamada, Yasunobu Iwasaka, Fumihisa Kobayashi, and Daizhou Zhang, 2010: Challenge of measuring bioaerosols at KOSA source areas: tethered balloon observation coupled with individual particle analysis (in Japanese with English abstract). Earozoru Kenkyu, 25, 13-22, http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jar/25/1/13/_pdf/-char/ja/. |